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What is an e-book...

An e-book, short for Electronic Book, is a PDF file, which you download to your computer. Once you purchase your copy, you are free to view it on as many computers as you own and also to either print it out or read it from your computer screen. There's no limit to the number of times you can access your e-book - it's on your virtual bookshelf until you delete the file.


Instant Gratification

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Presto! In an instant, the book is there for you to download to your computer or tablet. 

​You can open the PDF file with Adobe Acrobat (A free program that is already installed on most PC & Mac computers. If by some chance you don't have Acrobat, we will make sure you get it for no charge).


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If you would rather not purchase on Paypal, please get in touch to discuss other options for purchase.

THE HOBBYIST'S HANDBOOK How to hire escorts for newbies.

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