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Top 6 Mistakes Not to make when You Hire an Escort


1. Get Caught: "Delete history" is just the beginning. Incriminating data is left in multiple locations on your devices and in your browser. Let us show you all the nooks and crannies you'll want to tidy up to protect your private playtime.


2. Ask the wrong questions: Explicit queries are a big no-no. Escorts can't respond for legal reasons. Learn the language for hiring an escort that gets a positive, even eager, reaction and also provides the answers you're looking for.


3. Haggle over fees: If her first impression is that you're a bargain shopper, what kind of service do think she's likely to provide? There are ways to hire an escort at your price point, but I promise they aren't akin to bartering for a trinket in Cabo. Let me tell you why and when I give certain clients a discount. 


4. Fall in Love: It happens but don't let it turn into an epic disaster. Emotions and chemistry make great bedfellows except where business is involved. If you're falling for your GFE (or if she's falling for you), you will want to read this chapter. 

5. The Blacklist: Escorts share information regarding "bad dates", "looky-lous" and "time-wasters" on private discussion boards known as "black lists". If you land on one of these lists - something that's surprisingly easy to do - you may have a hard time meeting any escorts ever. Learn how to behave on a date with an escort and how not to behave on a date with an escort. 

6. Bait and switch, Up-sells and Stings: Oh My. Sorry to be alarmist but you do need to be careful. Enormous resources are going into to anti-trafficking initiatives.The current push to "end demand" targets would-be clients (who are usually simply trying to meet adult, consensual escorts). In addition, there are unsavory individuals who use their escort ads to fleece novices.

THE HOBBYIST'S HANDBOOK How to Meet Escorts for Newbies

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